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Arriving safe and sound and ready to start.

It took me a while but I eventually got to my final destination and new home in Bukoba, Tanzania! 

My first stop in Tanzania was Dar es Salaam where I attended language training and cultural awareness courses. This gave me the chance to meet other volunteers, enjoy the local food, and attend unmissable local events such as the Goat Race! The Goat Race is incredible and hard to describe accurately. Needless to say there were more racing goats and elaborate costumes than I ever could have imagined. 

Arriving at Bukoba Airport

After staying there a week, I had to get back on the plane to Bukoba, I was so excited to arrive, meet my colleagues and plan my lessons. As we flew over the wonderful Lake Victoria I gazed over my new home and excitement bubbled in my stomach.

Arriving in Bukoba!

However, I had a shaky start as Bukoba had been hit with an earthquake the day before my arrival. We were one of the worst affected areas and though I arrived after the event, I could see the fear and sadness in my new neighbours’ faces.  I shared their pain for those killed or injured and took my part in helping rebuild the community. There is something surreal in arriving to a new home at such a time, but I am glad that I got this opportunity to be there for them in their time of need.  

Bukoba is a wonderful town. The atmosphere is incredibly colourful and relaxed. And the music is everywhere! Here Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs live next to each other, which seems a miracle considering the times we are living in.

Getting started. 
On arrival I met my local team workers and chatted with them about the needs of the area. They let me know what challenges students and teachers were facing and what my focus should be. 

My new home!

Getting ready to begin. 

Next week I will be delivering the very first of my training sessions, and because of the discussions I’ve had with my new colleagues, I know exactly what I want to do for it.

The session will focus on setting up afternoon clubs; specifically, girls clubs, child rights clubs, and sport clubs. The aim of my workshop is to think up ways to keep the pupils motivated and the clubs running. By splitting the teachers into groups and asking them to give reasons why a child would join a club, I’m hoping to provoke a discussion and get them all talking and learning from each other. 

If that’s successful, I will then ask them to think about how we can meet these children’s needs. I am really excited about this session, hopefully the teachers will enjoy it as much as I’m planning to. 

Wish me luck,


